After months of 100+ degree days, weeks upon weeks without rain, and innumerable hours spent building, planting and tending my Patio Farm, I experienced an event that humbled me as a farmer. Heavy clouds rolled across the desert yesterday. It was a beautiful cool day and such a welcome end to a long sweltering summer. In the late afternoon I returned home in time to experience the unpredictable fury of a desert hail storm. The clouds and thunder blew in quickly and hail began pelting my house, increasing intensity to the point where I wondered whether the windows would really hold up much longer, or collapse inward with a horizontal rush of ice pellets. I watched in awe as my patio farm was torn apart leaf by leaf by nature herself and reduced to a tangle of broken leaves and sticks and hail.
Really, growing food is one of the biggest gambles there is. As a farmer, you are pretty much all-in on every hand with no choice about whether to draw or stand. And in one uncontrollable moment, everything can be destroyed in front of you. No wonder so many people have left farming for the safer and more predictable world of business or service or manufacturing. After all, a hail storm only keeps customers away from your store for a few hours. A flood only shuts down a factory for as long as it takes to mop up and repair. A freezing blizzard can keep people away from your office for a few days but it does not put you out of business. But with farming, everything that you work for can easily and instantly vanish. What will you eat this winter? What will you sell to pay the bills? How can you repair the damage done when the damage is complete destruction and the season is past for repair? Only a brave or foolish person would make that gamble year after year. Or one who has soil and sweat and seeds ingrained too deeply in their soul to turn away to more predictable ventures.
My personal natural disaster reminded me how tenuous our food system really is. We are so accustomed to walking into the grocery store, debit card and canvas bag in hand, and buying lemons, flour, artichokes, or chicken regardless of the season or weather or location. But, at some very basic level, our food depends on the luck and work of a farmer somewhere creating the raw materials out of earth and faith and knowledge. Why then do we expect food to be so cheap? And so abundant? If most of us no longer have the ability to grow our own food, let alone cook it well, then why do we undervalue the professional efforts of those who do? These are questions much bigger than my own back yard, but I think they are truly worth asking. Especially in the face of an abrupt reminder that nature not only feeds, us, but destroys our crops as well.
Oh Molly! So sorry about your garden! I didn't even know you ever got hail in Phoenix. It really IS like playing poker. You have to be able to win more hands than you lose, but you can't avoid having some losing hand unless you quit playing altogether.
ReplyDeleteThanks to cheap energy (leading to cheap fertilizer as well) in the petroleum age, now only a few percent of us can farm the land that once required the labor of most of us. Those who don't do the farming are mostly unaware of the risks and the potential for crop disasters.
World trade has also made every region less dependent on local crops. If the American corn crop suffers, Russian wheat may plug the gap, and vice versa.
As we reach peak oil production, and when energy prices begin to rise uncontrollably, this whole lovely system will begin to unravel, and more of us will be called to fill in as farmers. God's cure for unemployment!
People need to become aware of how much our way of food production depends on cheap energy. Cheap water is another resource that is diminishing, and will have a great effect on our farming practices.
Wonderful insight, Molly.
ReplyDeleteI am saddened, though, by your destroyed garden, I know how hard you have worked to coax it to life. Please tell me the mortar held!
Sadder still is the photo of the iron javalina couple, one lying helplessly on its side after an abusive pelting of hail. Is there no God after all?
Looking forward to the next crop!