Thursday, June 24, 2010

Brown Rice

Thanks to Lynne Rossetto Kasper I now have a renewed enthusiasm for rice, brown rice in particular.

The secret lies in cooking the rice so that there is no measuring or guessing or scrubbing the burnt grains off of the bottom of the pan. For me, that makes it a lot more appealing to cook rice.

Lynne's big secret? Cook it like pasta. Use a big pan full of lightly-salted and rapidly-boiling water. Add rice and continue to boil rapidly until al dente. Drain the rice, return to the pan with the cover on and set aside for a few minutes. The result: fluffy, separated, well-cooked rice. Brown cooks in 30 minutes and white rice much faster.

I recently made a tasty rice dish with my brown rice that I even got our seven-year old friend Taylor to eat willingly and enthusiastically: sauteed onion and garlic, ground flax seed, Lynne's crossover spice, thawed green peas, cooked brown rice, olive oil, salt and pepper.


  1. Do you rinse your grains before you cook 'em? I always skip this step and wonder what I am missing by not doing it.

  2. I think it is OK to skip rinsing with brown rice. After all, anything dangerous will just be killed by the excessive boiling!
