Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shannon's Birthday Cake

I had the great honor of baking the cake for my friend Shannon's birthday party last night. As it is zucchini season, I made a chocolate zucchini bundt cake. I used the recipe from Simply Recipes with just a few modifications: 3 c grated zucchini, no nuts and an orange glaze.

The orange glaze was 2 cups powdered sugar, grated rind from 2 medium oranges, fresh-squeezed orange juice, about 2 tsp melted butter, and a dash of salt and vanilla. Orange juice was added as-needed to get the right glaze consistency.

The cake came out great! Very moist, rich flavor and good zesty contrast with the orange glaze. I wish I had some left overs right now. We would have taken pictures, but got caught up in the Birthday Party whirlwind.

Cheers, also, to out hostess Jacqueline. She executed a flawlessly yummy all vegetarian patio dinner: grilled barbeque tofu kabobs, grilled veggie kabobs, beet salad with pecans and blue jack cheese, watermelon, and a lovely and zesty green bean salad. We fed vegetarians and meat-lovers alike and they all looked happy to me.

Happy Birthday Shannon!

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